The Grammy-winning albums "We Are in Love" and "Songs I Heard" were by a singer with what first name?
The Gold-certified albums “Nilsson Schmilsson” and "Son of Schmilsson" were by a singer with what first name?
A certain One Direction alum has made 3 chart-topping albums, and "Fine Line" is the only one without his first name in the title. What's that first name?
Bengal monitor, clouded monitor, crocodile monitor: Which member of the genus Varanus is bigger than all the others?
Though they don't look much alike, "King Kong" was inspired by a Far East expedition to find what big-ass lizards?
An island in Indonesia is the namesake of what 300-pound thing that thankfully does not breathe fire?
The Christian fish symbol has its origins in a Greek example of what sort of word puzzle?
Edgar Allan Poe once spelled out "Elizabeth" with what sort of poem?
All clever readers obviously spot this interesting configuration.
"We want land, bread, housing, education, clothing, justice, and peace." That's #10 in the Ten-Point Program of what political group?
Signed by then-Gov. Ronald Reagan, the Mulford Act was a 1967 gun control law specifically targeting what Oakland-born party?
"An unarmed people are slaves, or are subject to slavery at any given moment." So wrote Huey Newton, shortly after founding what feline faction?
In the 1980s, Golden Y-angle cheddar crackers were an oddball offering from what organization?
Five World, Cinna-Spins, and Daisy Rounds: All middling cinnamon cookies briefly shilled by what young salespeople?
In 1934, Keebler became the original baker of trefoil cookies sold by what green-clad gal group?