What 1988 film was released as "The Glass Trap" in Poland?
What 1988 action movie was called "Action Skyscraper" in Norway?
What 1988 Bruce Wills blockbuster was called "Die Slowly" in Germany?
Vinegaroons and parasitiformes are both what type of arthropods?
Scorpions, ticks, and mites all share what a-class?
Including harvestmen, daddy-long-legs, and of course spiders, what creatures have eight legs?
Who was Lyndon Johnson's second and final Supreme Court appointment?
In 1991, Clarence Thomas became the second Black U.S. Supreme Court justice, replacing what man?
By the way, who was the first Black Supreme Court justice?
Two parts cognac, one part orange liqueur, one part lemon juice, and an orange twist - that's a classic recipe for what cocktail?
It's thought to have been invented toward the end if WWI and named for a motorcycle accessory.
To be specific, a small seat that lets a passenger tag along with the rider.
The 2018 fantasy novel "Spinning Silver" is loosely based on what folk tale?
Address people by name, and they'll like you more: That's a psychological principle named for what Brothers Grimm character?
In one version of the fairy tale, what little turd rips himself in half after the queen guesses his name?