"There is lots of money here." So went one of the real Tibetan phrases uttered by what fictional species from the '80s?
No wonder grownups didn't love them: Nippet, Paploo, and Teebo are all specimens of what George Lucas creation?
Airing in 1985, two years after their cinematic debut, "The Battle for Endor" starred what "Star Wars" critters?
Tiny remote places called Elmtaryd and Agunnaryd are immortalized in the name of what retailer?
If you have $3,000 and a very specific sort of nostalgia, you can buy a 1970s Natura chair by Karin Mobring, a designer at what corporation?
Made from the same blue material as their reusable bags, Knorva bucket hats live near the Rockan bathrobes at what furniture chain?
A young Albert Einstein signed the world's first patent for a milk chocolate bar, working as a clerk in what nation?
That beet relative called chard is native to Sicily, about a thousand miles south of what country it's often named for?
The Emmental valley in the Alpine foothills gave us a holey cheese, which Americans less-specifically named for what country?
A baby with a pig's tail gets eaten by ants, at the end of what novel that was translated to English in 1970?
A main character thinks about ice while standing before a firing squad, in just the first sentence of what classic?
Gabriel García Marquéz ruined a family vacation, but earned a Nobel, by dreaming up what ... I guess we'd call it the novel of a century?
We're not sure what the turtles get out of it, but Amazonian butterflies drink turtle tears as a source of what alkali metal?
The FDA says you can avoid high blood pressure by eschewing packaged foods, thus staying under 2,300 daily mg of what element?
According to a Clerihew poem, "Sir Humphrey Davy / abominated gravy / He lived in the odium / of having discovered" WHAT?