According to the title of a 2004 movie starring DMX, you should never WHAT alone?
According to the title of a 2000 movie starring Jet Li, Romeo must WHAT?
According to the title of a 2021 movie, Daniel Craig has no time to WHAT?
Who was the fourth and most recent governor of New York to become the president of the whole U.S. of A?
"We must be the great arsenal of democracy." So said what fireside-chat enthusiast, during a time of especially fascist vibes?
As founder of the March of Dimes, what polio patient is pictured on the actual dime?
Before smartly condensing, what brand was originally called Washburn's Gold Medal Whole Wheat Flakes?
Back in the '90s, Stone Cold Steve Austin became the first professional wrestler to appear on a box of what cereal?
"Breakfast of Champions" is found on boxes of what General Mills cereal not created by Kurt Vonnegut?
Tommy Dorsey and Jimi Hendrix are two of the many popular music stars who died by choking on ... what?
According to Smithsonian magazine, rat poison only works because rodents lack the esophageal strength to perform what bodily function?
The movie "Apollo 13" was partly filmed on a KC-135 airplane, aka the "WHAT Comet"?
Better known as a hell of a violin player, Niccolò Paganini once wrote a solo minuet for what bluegrassier instrument?
In a 1994 novel, Captain Antonio Corelli leaves what sort of instrument in the care of a Greek lady?
If Pedro Pascal's "Star Wars"-universe character took up an instrument, he might choose what small, eight-stringed lute?