Harry Truman wasn't the first by far: Apparently that lovable reformer Martin Luther built a facility for his kids to play what game?
Scoring an 847 over three games as a teenager in 1946, Dick Hoover later became a hall-of-famer in what kinda-sport?
In "The Big Lebowski," John Goodman pulled out a handgun to enforce the rules of what working-class pastime?
A lot of famous names in one question: At Harpers Ferry, the Shenandoah River drains into what other waterway?
President John Quincy Adams nearly drowned in office, swimming in what river where he loved to skinny-dip?
The Secret Service's communications office is right across from Ronald Reagan Airport, on what river?
In Rodgers & Hammerstein's "Flower Drum Song," Chinese immigrants sing of crazy mixed-up American life in a number named for what dish?
Invented in San Francisco, or New York, or maybe Guangdong, what meat-and-veggie pile is Chinese for "odds and ends"?
"I cry when angels deserve to die." So sings System of a Down, in what signature hit that has nothing to do with Chinese food?
Reprising a mystery from 2020, authorities are warning Texans about packages from China containing unidentified ... what?
By definition, a cherry is a drupe because it has a fleshy mesocarp and a thin exocarp around its single WHAT?
For some reason, a senator from Maryland was part of the 2010 delegation that committed seven kinds of chili pepper to Norway's WHAT Vault?
Langston Hughes was raised in Lawrence, Kansas, after being born in what next-door state?
Mark Twain was born in a town called Florida, in what state that's not especially close to Florida?
Maya Angelou was born right next to St. Louis University, in what state?