Clive Owen and Edie Falco played the Clintons in the miniseries "Impeachment: American Crime Story." Who played Linda Tripp?
In 2020, what longtime Ryan Murphy collaborator played the title role in Netflix's "Cuckoo's Nest" prequel series, "Ratched"?
Five of her 9 nominations are from "American Horror Story," but what Sarah won her only Emmy for "The People vs. O.J. Simpson?
The namesake of the Mosquito Coast, most of the Miskito people live in what modern-day nation?
Despite the CIA's onetime support of Contra rebels, the commie Sandinistas are still the strongest political party in what Central American nation?
Connected by a seasonal river to Lake Managua, Central America's largest lake is named for what country?
In 1992, Yoplait started a not-especially-healthy, long-running yogurt crossover with what General Mills cereal brand?
In a quintessentially American move, angry customers made what cereal brand bring back artificial colors in 2017, 2 years after they ditched 'em?
Take Kix, and pump in a whole bunch of sugar and, yes, food coloring. That's the original impetus for what non-rabbit-appropriate sister cereal?
Formerly known as the ducts of Bellini, the papillary ducts are part of the plumbing of what organ?
Having gotten it in late 2024, an Alabama woman is the longest-lived person who had what organ transplanted from a pig?
By number of patients, the longest transplant wait list by far is for what part of the excretory system?
Every spring since 2009, folks have ridden old-timey bikes through London while wearing what woolen fabric?
In "The Da Vinci Code," Prof. Robert Langdon favors what kind of rough-spun stuff that's associated with Scotland's Isle of Harris?
Twill is a weave pattern sometimes used to make what sport-coat fabric that starts with the same two letters?